24 Jul 2014

Release: Version 0.9.2

Like Santa Claus in July, I bring you shiny stuff on the 24th. Well, it's not actually that shiny, and I doubt it was on anyone's wishlist, or that anyone has any porridge for me for that matter... but christmas or not, have a KCT update.

The big thing in this update is support for Growl (along with the aptly named Windows port, Growl for Windows). Growl is a wonderful little program that does one thing, and does it damn well: displaying notifications.

I'd recommend all Windows users in particular to install Growl. Having customizable notification bubbles in a corner of the screen is a huge improvement over the little tray bubbles that's all Windows offers (to non-Metro applications, at least). Mac and Linux have more usable notification systems already, so it's a matter of taste there.

Less shiny, but certainly important, is the build system overhaul. We now use CMake for building, which makes everything (especially adding third-party libraries) a whole lot easier. This should speed development up considerably.

Oh, and it also won't flood the translator with junk lines (to the point where his work becomes impossible) every time something in the game changes. Which is also why it's pretty important that people update to this version as soon as possible, because the last version did exactly that.

Poor Amatsukaze still doesn't have an English translation of her name, because she got buried under a mountain of junk. If you won't update for me, do it for her!

